
Screening tests may save lives — so when is it time to stop?

Graphic of page-a-day calendar with a red cross icon and bright yellow background; concept is healthcare appointment

Screening tests, such as Pap smears or blood pressure checks, could save your life. They can detect a disease you have no reason to suspect is there. Early detection may allow treatment while a health condition is curable and before irreversible complications arise.

Some screening tests help prevent the disease they are designed to detect. For example, colonoscopies and Pap smears can identify precancerous abnormalities that can be addressed so they cannot continue to grow and become cancerous. And missed screening tests contribute to thousands of avoidable deaths each year in the US. Yet there’s a point of diminishing returns, as a new study on Pap smears illustrates. And many of us could benefit from a better understanding of the limits of screening, and how experts decide when people should stop routine screening tests.

Know the limits of screening tests

Even the best screening test has limitations. It can miss the disease it’s intended to detect (false-negative results). Or it can return abnormal results when no disease is present (false-positive results).

Equally important, as people grow older life expectancy declines and screening benefits tend to wane. Many conditions detected by routine screenings, such as prostate cancer or cervical cancer, typically take a while to cause trouble. A person in their 80s is more likely to die from another fatal condition before cervical cancer or prostate cancer would affect their health. Additionally, certain diseases, such as cervical cancer, become less common with advancing age.

As a result, many screening tests are not recommended forever: at some point in your life, your doctor may tell you that you no longer need to repeat a screening test, even one you finally got used to having.

Know when screening tests usually end

Expert guidelines for many common screening tests include an “end age” when people can reasonably stop having the test. For example:

  • Pap smear: age 65
  • mammogram: age 75
  • colonoscopy: age 75
  • chest CT scan (recommended for people with a significant smoking history): age 80.

There are exceptions, of course. For example, if a colonoscopy found abnormalities in an otherwise healthy 72-year-old, repeat testing after age 75 may be recommended.

Many women have Pap smears after guidelines suggest stopping

Pap smears screen for cervical cancer. In 1996, new guidelines recommended that women who received Pap smears at appropriate intervals before age 65 could safely stop.

Yet many women continue to have this screening after turning 65, according to a recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine that looked at data from 15 to 16 million women per year between 1999 and 2019. Their average age was 76, most (82%) were white, and all were enrolled in Medicare.

The study found:

  • In 1999, nearly three million women over age 65 (almost 19% of the study population) had Pap smears. By 2019, the number had fallen to 1.3 million (8.5%), a reduction of more than half.
  • Among women older than age 80, about 3% had Pap smears.
  • In 2019, the estimated cost related to Pap smears in these older women was $83.5 million.

Possibly, some women in this study had good reasons to continue having Pap smears. Perhaps they weren’t adequately screened when they were younger. Perhaps they had previous Pap smear abnormalities. Maybe their doctors recommended they continue having Pap smears despite their advanced age. We don’t know, because this study didn’t collect that information. Still, it’s quite likely that many (or even most) of these Pap smears represent overscreening: routine testing with little chance of benefit.

Why does overscreening matter?

Overscreening may cause

  • discomfort that may be tolerable when there’s an expectation of benefit, but less acceptable when the test is unnecessary
  • anxiety while awaiting the results of the test
  • false-positive results that lead to additional testing and unnecessary treatment
  • complications of testing, such as infection or bleeding after a Pap smear, or perforation or bleeding after a colonoscopy. (Fortunately, complications are rare.)
  • unnecessary costs, including medical appointments and lab fees, time wasted, and taking health providers away from more valuable care.

The bottom line

Screening tests are typically performed for people without symptoms, signs, or a high suspicion of disease. In many cases, they’re looking for a condition that is probably not there. For most screening tests, we have guidelines developed by experts and backed by data suggesting when to start — and when to stop — screening.

But guidelines are only general recommendations, and individual preferences matter. If foregoing a screening test will cause you excessive anxiety, or if having a test will provide significant peace of mind, it may be reasonable to have a test even after the recommended end age. Be sure you understand potential downsides, such as additional tests and complications.

So, never hesitate to ask your doctor when your next screening tests are due — but don’t forget to also ask if they are no longer worth having.

About the Author

photo of Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Robert H. Shmerling is the former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Robert H. Shmerling, MD


Sneezy and dopey? Seasonal allergies and your brain

A golden metal doll with arms upstretched and a dandelion puff head partially blown away; concept is allergies and brain fog

Ah, ’tis the season for warm-weather allergies caused by trees, grass, and ragweed pollen. You know the signs: sneezing, watery eyes, stuffiness, scratchy throat, wheezing, and coughing. But what about so-called brain fog? That may be true for you, too.

Why do allergies make your brain feel so foggy?

“Allergy symptoms can disrupt sleep and make people feel more tired and groggy,” says Dr. Mariana Castells, an allergist and immunologist in the division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “Plus, your body can become weaker as it fights the inflammation triggered by allergies, contributing to overall fatigue and making it harder to concentrate and focus."

What happens to your immune system when you inhale pollen?

When you inhale pollen, your immune system generates antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). Those antibodies trigger the release of chemicals called mediators, such as histamine, leukotrienes, and prostaglandins. The chemicals affect tissues in the eyes, nose, and throat,  causing symptoms like sneezing and watering eyes.

4 ways to prevent or ease brain fog stemming from seasonal allergies

Managing your allergy symptoms when they first appear — or taking preventive measures if you are prone to pollen allergies — is the best way to control the allergic immune response that can cause fatigue and brain fog. These four strategies can help.

Lower your exposure to pollen

  • Keep your windows closed whenever possible, and occasionally run an air conditioner or use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to help remove pollen from indoor air.
  • Pollen is usually highest from about 4 a.m. to noon, so restrict outside time to the late afternoon or evening.
  • You can check daily pollen counts in your area and sign up for high pollen alerts at
  • Wearing a mask outside when pollen is high can block about 70% to 80% of pollen, says Dr. Castells.

Be prepared with over-the-counter allergy medicines

Over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medicines treat many symptoms, thus helping to lift brain fog. It’s best to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting any new medicine, especially if you have any health problems or take other medicines.

Options include:

  • Non-drowsy antihistamine pills and nasal sprays. Antihistamines block the effects of excess histamine that causes itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose. Sprays also help with congestion and postnasal drip. “Be aware that even non-drowsy brands have potential for some sedation that can affect thinking,” says Dr. Castells. “People tolerate antihistamines differently, so you may have to try more than one brand to assess effectiveness and potential side effects.” Loratadine (Claritin), cetirizine (Zyrtec), and fexofenadine (Allegra) are less sedating than first-generation antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
  • Decongestant pills, such as phenylephrine (Sudafed PE) and pseudoephedrine (Sifedrine, Sudafed). Decongestants shrink tiny blood vessels, which decreases fluid secretion in nasal passages, helping to unclog a stuffy nose. However, they can increase heart rate and blood pressure. They are not recommended for prolonged use, so check with your doctor if you have heart or blood pressure problems. Decongestant nasal sprays, such as oxymetazoline (Afrin), may be used for several days, but continued use can lead to worsening nasal congestion.
  • Combined antihistamine and decongestant medicines have “D” added at end of brand names, such as Zyrtec-D, Allegra-D, and Claritin-D, which combine different antihistamine medicines with the decongestant pseudoephedrine.
  • Nasal steroid sprays, such as triamcinolone (Nasacort), budesonide (Rhinocort), and fluticasone (Flonase), reduce inflammation that causes congestion, runny or itchy nose, and sneezing. “It's often best to take them before pollen season begins, especially if you are susceptible to allergies,” says Dr. Castells. Side effects may include nasal dryness and, rarely, nose bleeds. People with glaucoma should take these cautiously, as they can raise the pressure inside the eye, leading to potential vision loss.

Consider prescription allergy shots or tablets

If allergies are severe or OTC remedies aren’t sufficient, an allergist may recommend allergy shots, or possibly tablets designed to treat certain allergies.

  • Allergy shots are regular injections of small amounts of your allergen, with the dose gradually increasing over time. “Allergy shots do not completely eliminate your allergy but change your immune response to better tolerate it,” says Dr. Castells. During a buildup phase, the allergen dose increases gradually in once or twice weekly shots for three to six months. During the maintenance phase, you get monthly injections for three to five years. "When you're finished, the protective effect can last several years," says Dr. Castells.
  • Tablets to treat grass and weed allergies offer similar protection as injections. These tablets are dissolved under the tongue. Dr. Castells says they should be used daily before and during the pollen seasons for at least five seasons.

Try a nasal rinse

Prefer to skip medications? Try clearing your nasal cavity twice daily using saline solution in a small bulb syringe or neti pot, which resembles a small teapot with a long spout. Both are sold at drugstores and online. Performed once in the morning and in the evening, this simple technique rinses away pollen.

About the Author

photo of Matthew Solan

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch

Matthew Solan is the executive editor of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. He previously served as executive editor for UCLA Health’s Healthy Years and as a contributor to Duke Medicine’s Health News and Weill Cornell Medical College’s … See Full Bio View all posts by Matthew Solan

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Howard LeWine, M.D., is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD


Discrimination at work is linked to high blood pressure

A dictionary with the word "discrimination" magnified and part of the definition shown in black and white

Experiencing discrimination in the workplace — where many adults spend one-third of their time, on average — may be harmful to your heart health.

A 2023 study in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that people who reported high levels of discrimination on the job were more likely to develop high blood pressure than those who reported low levels of workplace discrimination.

Workplace discrimination refers to unfair conditions or unpleasant treatment because of personal characteristics — particularly race, sex, or age.

How can discrimination affect our health?

“The daily hassles and indignities people experience from discrimination are a specific type of stress that is not always included in traditional measures of stress and adversity,” says sociologist David R. Williams, professor of public health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Yet multiple studies have documented that experiencing discrimination increases risk for developing a broad range of factors linked to heart disease. Along with high blood pressure, this can also include chronic low-grade inflammation, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

More than 25 years ago, Williams created the Everyday Discrimination Scale. This is the most widely used measure of discrimination’s effects on health.

Who participated in the study of workplace discrimination?

The study followed a nationwide sample of 1,246 adults across a broad range of occupations and education levels, with roughly equal numbers of men and women.

Most were middle-aged, white, and married. They were mostly nonsmokers, drank low to moderate amounts of alcohol, and did moderate to high levels of exercise. None had high blood pressure at the baseline measurements.

How was discrimination measured and what did the study find?

The study is the first to show that discrimination in the workplace can raise blood pressure.

To measure discrimination levels, researchers used a test that included these six questions:

  • How often do you think you are unfairly given tasks that no one else wanted to do?
  • How often are you watched more closely than other workers?
  • How often does your supervisor or boss use ethnic, racial, or sexual slurs or jokes?
  • How often do your coworkers use ethnic, racial, or sexual slurs or jokes?
  • How often do you feel that you are ignored or not taken seriously by your boss?
  • How often has a coworker with less experience and qualifications gotten promoted before you?

Based on the responses, researchers calculated discrimination scores and divided participants into groups with low, intermediate, and high scores.

  • After a follow-up of roughly eight years, about 26% of all participants reported developing high blood pressure.
  • Compared to people who scored low on workplace discrimination at the start of the study, those with intermediate or high scores were 22% and 54% more likely, respectively, to report high blood pressure during the follow-up.

How could discrimination affect blood pressure?

Discrimination can cause emotional stress, which activates the body’s fight-or-flight response. The resulting surge of hormones makes the heart beat faster and blood vessels narrow, which causes blood pressure to rise temporarily. But if the stress response is triggered repeatedly, blood pressure may remain consistently high.

Discrimination may arise from unfair treatment based on a range of factors, including race, gender, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation. The specific attribution doesn’t seem to matter, says Williams. “Broadly speaking, the effects of discrimination on health are similar, regardless of the attribution,” he says, noting that the Everyday Discrimination Scale was specifically designed to capture a range of different forms of discrimination.

What are the limitations of this study?

One limitation of this recent study is that only 6% of the participants were nonwhite, and these individuals were less likely to take part in the follow-up session of the study. As a result, the study may not have fully or accurately captured workplace discrimination among people from different racial groups. In addition, blood pressure was self-reported, which may be less reliable than measurements directly documented by medical professionals.

What may limit the health impact of workplace discrimination?

At the organizational level, no studies have directly addressed this issue. Preliminary evidence suggests that improving working conditions, such as decreasing job demands and increasing job control, may help lower blood pressure, according to the study authors. In addition, the American Heart Association recently released a report, Driving Health Equity in the Workplace, that aims to address drivers of health inequities in the workplace.

Encouraging greater awareness of implicit bias may be one way to help reduce discrimination in the workplace. Implicit bias refers to the unconscious assumptions and prejudgments people have about groups of people that may underlie some discriminatory behaviors. You can explore implicit biases with these tests, which were developed at Harvard and other universities.

On an individual level, stress management training can reduce blood pressure. A range of stress-relieving strategies may offer similar benefits. Regularly practicing relaxation techniques or brief mindfulness reflections, learning ways to cope with negative thoughts, and getting sufficient exercise can help.

About the Author

photo of Julie Corliss

Julie Corliss, Executive Editor, Harvard Heart Letter

Julie Corliss is the executive editor of the Harvard Heart Letter. Before working at Harvard, she was a medical writer and editor at HealthNews, a consumer newsletter affiliated with The New England Journal of Medicine. She … See Full Bio View all posts by Julie Corliss

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Howard LeWine, M.D., is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD


Apps to accelerometers: Can technology improve mental health in older adults?

photo of a visiting nurse and a senior patient in the person's kitchen at home; nurse is showing how to book an online appointment using a smartphone

It can be devastating to watch older adults struggle with memory problems, low mood, anxiety, or a lack of motivation, particularly during times of physical distancing. With waiting lists for mental health appointments stretching for months, you may be wondering about alternatives.

Reaching out to family members or faith leaders may be helpful in talking through stressors. Alternatively, self-help books may provide skills or a new perspective for older adults choosing to keep their struggles private. But with the explosion of mental health mobile applications, telepsychiatry services, social media, and wearable technologies, where does technology fit in with treatment?

Combating ageist stereotypes

Seeing your loved one struggle with their computer, you may wonder whether to pursue technology-based treatments in the first place. Although older adults may be reluctant to use new technology due to stereotype threat (the fear of confirming negative stereotypes), a little help from loved ones can ease technology discomfort. The adoption of technology has grown rapidly over the past decade among older adults, and with it have come potential benefits to mental health, daily functioning, and quality of life.

Moving to virtual

A couple of years into the pandemic, older adults are increasingly seeing their doctors virtually. How well does this work for mental health? Thankfully, several studies have shown that virtual therapy is comparable to in-person treatment.

What about mobile apps that remove the human component? Here the data suggest that mobile apps can be complementary, although they are not sufficient as standalone treatments for mental illnesses.


When navigating online treatments, you want to ensure that the platform used is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)-compliant, which means your information is protected by law. Zoom and BlueJeans are HIPAA compliant; FaceTime and Skype are not. When using mental health mobile apps, read the privacy policies: red flags include sharing or selling information to third parties and using your information for advertisements.

Which apps can help older adults the most?

Navigating the explosion of mental health apps for online treatment can be tricky, as the landscape is changing quickly. For teletherapy services, Teladoc, K health, and Doctor on Demand are good places to start.

To supplement treatment of common mental illnesses, wellness apps developed by the federal government (including Mindfulness Coach, COVID Coach, and CBT-i Coach) can help teach skills, manage sleep, and track symptoms. Medisafe is the top-ranked medication reminder app for good reason: it has excellent privacy features (and with the premium subscription, you can receive medication reminders in celebrity voices).

Movement and mental health

We know that physical activity has numerous benefits on brain health in old age: it reduces anxiety and stress, it improves depressive symptoms, and it even strengthens learning and memory. Wearable technologies can play a role in helping older adults set physical activity goals. Through the use of smartwatches (which use accelerometers to keep track of movements), older adults can monitor how many steps they take, how many calories they burn, and even how well they sleep at night.

Wearable technologies have advantages for caregivers as well. They can be used to monitor their loved ones for wandering and falls, and they can alert them to changes in mood: a significant increase or decrease in usual activity levels may herald early signs of depression or anxiety.

Can smartphones be used to improve memory in older adults?

New research suggests that technology can indeed improve prospective memory, and help older adults with mild cognitive impairment continue their daily activities. Through the use of a personal assistant application on their smartphone (a digital voice recorder or reminder app), older adults who received reminders about events and activities experienced memory benefits and improvements in their activities of daily living.

Tips for using technology with older adults

While the benefits and harms of using technologies are still being studied, you can try the following:

  • Encourage older adults to try out applications that are research-informed, especially if they express interest.
  • If using a mobile health app, make sure to read the privacy policy. If using an online mental health platform, ensure it is HIPAA-compliant.
  • Try to set physical activity goals, as physical activity helps improve symptoms of almost every mental illness. Wearable technologies that count steps are a good place to start.
  • Modify device settings to improve comfort: this can include optimizing volume and font size to accommodate changes in vision or hearing.

If mental health technology doesn’t suit your loved one, that’s okay — technology is not always the answer. Treatments are most likely to work when patients believe it will help and can stick with it.

About the Author

photo of Stephanie Collier, MD, MPH

Stephanie Collier, MD, MPH, Contributor; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Stephanie Collier is the director of education in the division of geriatric psychiatry at McLean Hospital; consulting psychiatrist for the population health management team at Newton-Wellesley Hospital; and instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Stephanie Collier, MD, MPH


Does running cause arthritis?

A middle-aged man wearing a blue zip top and lighter blue track pants running alongside a blurred cityscape

When I took up running in college, a friend of mine scoffed at the idea. He hated running and was convinced runners were “wearing out” their joints. He liked to say he was saving his knees for his old age.

So, was he onto something? Does running really ruin your joints, as many people believe?

Runners can get arthritis, but is running the cause?

You may think the answer is obvious. Surely, years of running (pounding pavements, or even softer surfaces) could wear out your joints, much like tires wear out after you put enough miles on them. And osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, usually affects older adults. In fact, it’s often described as age-related and degenerative. That sounds like a wear-and-tear sort of situation, right?

Maybe not. Sure, it’s easy to blame running when a person who runs regularly develops arthritis. But that blame may be misguided. The questions to ask are:

  • Does running damage the joints and lead to arthritis?
  • Does arthritis develop first and become more noticeable while running?
  • Is the connection more complicated? Perhaps there’s no connection between running and arthritis for most people. But maybe those destined to develop arthritis (due to their genes, for example) get it sooner if they take up running.

Extensive research over the last several decades has investigated these questions. While the answers are still not entirely clear, we’re moving closer.

What is the relationship between running and arthritis?

Mounting evidence suggests that that running does not cause osteoarthritis, or any other joint disease.

  • A study published in 2017 found that recreational runners had lower rates of hip and knee osteoarthritis (3.5%) compared with competitive runners (13.3%) and nonrunners (10.2%).
  • According to a 2018 study, the rate of hip or knee arthritis among 675 marathon runners was half the rate expected within the US population.
  • A 2022 analysis of 24 studies found no evidence of significant harm to the cartilage lining the knee joints on MRIs taken just after running.

These are just a few of the published medical studies on the subject. Overall, research suggests that running is an unlikely cause of arthritis — and might even be protective.

Why is it hard to study running and arthritis?

  • Osteoarthritis takes many years to develop. Convincing research would require a long time, perhaps a decade or more.
  • It’s impossible to perform an ideal study. The most powerful type of research study is a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Participants in these studies are assigned to a treatment group (perhaps taking a new drug) or a control group (often taking a placebo). Double-blind means neither researchers nor participants know which people are in the treatment group and which people are getting a placebo. When the treatment being studied is running, there’s no way to conduct this kind of trial.
  • Beware the confounders. A confounder is a factor or variable you can’t account for in a study. There may be important differences between people who run and those who don’t that have nothing to do with running. For example, runners may follow a healthier diet, maintain a healthier weight, or smoke less than nonrunners. They may differ with respect to how their joints are aligned, the strength of their ligaments, or genes that direct development of the musculoskeletal system. These factors could affect the risk of arthritis and make study results hard to interpret clearly. In fact, they may explain why some studies find that running is protective.
  • The effect of running may vary between people. For example, it’s possible, though not proven, that people with obesity who run regularly are at increased risk of arthritis due to the stress of excess weight on the joints.

The bottom line

Trends in recent research suggest that running does not wear out your joints. That should be reassuring for those of us who enjoy running. And if you don’t like to run, that’s fine: try to find forms of exercise that you enjoy more. Just don’t base your decision — or excuse — for not running on the idea that it will ruin your joints.

About the Author

photo of Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Robert H. Shmerling is the former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Robert H. Shmerling, MD


Considering collagen drinks and supplements?

A red-colored drink being poured from a bottle into a glass with ice; concept is collagen drinks

A tremendous buzz surrounds collagen drinks and supplements, as celebrities and influencers tout miraculous benefits for skin, hair, and nails. Since the collagen in our bodies provides crucial support for these tissues, it seems plausible that consuming collagen might lead to lush locks and a youthful glow. But what does the science say?

What is collagen?

Collagen is a major structural protein in our tissues. It’s found in skin, hair, nails, tendons, cartilage, and bones. Collagen works with other substances, such as hyaluronic acid and elastin, to maintain skin elasticity, volume, and moisture. It also helps make up proteins such as keratin that form skin, hair, and nails.

Our bodies naturally produce collagen using the amino acids from protein-rich or collagen-rich foods like bone broth, meat, and fish. But aging, sun damage, smoking, and alcohol consumption all decrease collagen production.

Collagen drinks and supplements often contain collagen from many different sources, such as fish, cattle, pigs, or chicken. Typically, they contain peptides, short chains of amino acids that help make up essential proteins in the body, including collagen itself and keratin.

What does the science say about collagen drinks and supplements?

Research on skin includes:

  • A review and analysis of 19 studies, published in the International Journal of Dermatology, that had a total of 1,125 participants. Those who used collagen supplements saw an improvement in the firmness, suppleness, and moisture content of the skin, with wrinkles appearing less noticeable. That sounds promising, but it’s unclear if these skin improvements were actually due to collagen. Most of the trials used commercially available supplements that contained more than collagen: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate were among the additional ingredients.
  • A few randomized, controlled trials (see here and here) show that drinking collagen supplements with high amounts of the peptides prolylhydroxyproline and hydroxyprolylglycine can improve skin moisture, elasticity, wrinkles, and roughness. But large, high-quality studies are needed to learn whether commercially available products are helpful and safe to use long-term.

Hardly any evidence supports the use of collagen to enhance hair and nails. One small 2017 study of 25 people with brittle nails found that taking 2.5 grams of collagen daily for 24 weeks improved brittleness and nail growth. However, this small study had no control group taking a placebo to compare with the group receiving collagen supplements.

There haven’t been any studies in humans examining the benefits of collagen supplementation for hair. Currently, no medical evidence supports marketing claims that collagen supplements or drinks can improve hair growth, shine, volume, and thickness.

Should you try collagen supplements or drinks?

At this time, there isn’t enough proof that taking collagen pills or consuming collagen drinks will make a difference in skin, hair, or nails. Our bodies cannot absorb collagen in its whole form. To enter the bloodstream, it must be broken down into peptides so it can be absorbed through the gut.

These peptides may be broken down further into the building blocks that make proteins like keratin that help form skin, hair, and nails. Or the peptides may form collagen that gets deposited in other parts of the body, such as cartilage, bone, muscles, or tendons. Thus far, no human studies have clearly proven that collagen you take orally will end up in your skin, hair, or nails.

If your goal is to improve skin texture and elasticity and minimize wrinkles, you’re better off focusing on sun protection and using topical retinoids. Extensive research has already demonstrated that these measures are effective.

If you choose to try collagen supplements or drinks, review the list of ingredients and the protein profile. Avoid supplements with too many additives or fillers. Products containing high quantities of prolylhydroxyproline and hydroxyprolylglycine are better at reducing wrinkles and improving the moisture content of skin.

Consult your doctor before starting any new supplements. People who are prone to gout or have other medical conditions that require them to limit protein should not use collagen supplements or drinks.

The bottom line

Large-scale trials evaluating the benefits of oral collagen supplements for skin and hair health are not available. If you’re concerned about thinning or lackluster hair, brittle nails, or keeping skin smooth and healthy, talk to your doctor or a dermatologist for advice on the range of options.

It will also help to:

  • Follow a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet that includes protein-rich foods.
  • If you smoke, quit.
  • Limit alcohol to two drinks or less in a day for men or one drink or less in a day for women.
  • Apply sunscreen daily and remember to reapply every two hours.
  • Wear wide-brimmed or UV-protective hats and clothing when you’re spending a lot of time in the sun.

Follow Payal Patel on Twitter @PayalPatelMD

Follow Maryanne Makredes Senna on Twitter @HairWithDrMare

About the Authors

photo of Payal Patel, MD

Payal Patel, MD, Contributor

Dr. Payal Patel is a dermatology research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her clinical and research interests include autoimmune disease and procedural dermatology. She is part of the Cutaneous Biology Research Center, where she investigates medical … See Full Bio View all posts by Payal Patel, MD photo of Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD

Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD, Contributor

Dr. Maryanne Makredes Senna is a board-certified dermatologist at at Beth Israel Lahey Health, and assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Senna founded and directs the Lahey Hair Loss Center of Excellence and … See Full Bio View all posts by Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD


Healthier planet, healthier people

A crystal globe with countries etched on, circled by stethoscope with red heart; Earth health and our health connect

Everything is connected. You’ve probably heard that before, but it bears repeating. Below are five ways to boost both your individual health and the health of our planet — a combination that environmentalists call co-benefits.

How your health and planetary health intersect

Back in 1970, Earth Day was founded as a day of awareness about environmental issues. Never has awareness of our environment seemed more important than now. The impacts of climate change on Earth — fires, storms, floods, droughts, heat waves, rising sea levels, species extinction, and more — directly or indirectly threaten our well-being, especially for those most vulnerable. For example, air pollution from fossil fuels and fires contributes to lung problems and hospitalizations. Geographic and seasonal boundaries for ticks and mosquitoes, which are carriers of infectious diseases, expand as regions warm.

The concept of planetary health acknowledges that the ecosystem and our health are inextricably intertwined. Actions and events have complex downstream effects: some are expected, others are surprising, and many are likely unrecognized. While individual efforts may seem small, collectively they can move the needle — even ever so slightly — in the right direction.

Five ways to improve personal and planetary health

Adopt plant-forward eating.

This means increasing plant-based foods in your diet while minimizing meat. Making these types of choices lowers the risks of heart disease, stroke, obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and many cancers. Compared to meat-based meals, plant-based meals also have many beneficial effects for the planet. For example, for the same amount of protein, plant-based meals have a lower carbon footprint and use fewer natural resources like land and water.

Remember, not all plants are equal.

Plant foods also vary greatly, both in terms of their nutritional content and in their environmental impact. Learning to read labels can help you determine the nutritional value of foods. It’s a bit harder to learn about the environmental impact of specific foods, since there are regional factors. But to get a general sense, Our World in Data has a collection of eye-opening interactive graphs about various environmental impacts of different foods.

Favor active transportation.

Choose an alternative to driving such as walking, biking, or using public transportation when possible. Current health recommendations encourage adults to get 150 minutes each week of moderate-intensity physical activity, and two sessions of muscle strengthening activity. Regular physical activity improves mental health, bone health, and weight management. It also reduces risks of heart disease, some cancers, and falls in older adults. Fewer miles driven in gas-powered vehicles means cleaner air, decreased carbon emissions contributing to climate change, and less air pollution (known to cause asthma exacerbations and many other diseases).

Start where you are and work up to your level of discomfort.

Changes that work for one person may not work for another. Maybe you will pledge to eat one vegan meal each week, or maybe you will pledge to limit beef to once a week. Maybe you will try out taking the bus to work, or maybe you will bike to work when it’s not winter. Set goals for yourself that are achievable but are also a challenge.

Talk about it.

It might feel as though these actions are small, and it might feel daunting for any one individual trying to make a difference. Sharing your thoughts about what matters to you and about what you are doing might make you feel less isolated and help build community. Building community contributes to well-being and resilience.

Plus, if you share your pledges and aims with one person, and that person does the same, then your actions are amplified. Who knows, maybe one of those folks along the way might be the employee who decides what our children eat from school menus, or a city planner for pedestrian walkways and bike lanes!

About the Author

photo of Wynne Armand, MD

Wynne Armand, MD, Contributor

Dr. Wynne Armand is a physician at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), where she provides primary care; an assistant professor in medicine at Harvard Medical School; and associate director of the MGH Center for the Environment and … See Full Bio View all posts by Wynne Armand, MD


Pouring from an empty cup? Three ways to refill emotionally

A dark blue paper head with orange, yellow, white cut-out flames inside against a brown background; concept is burnout

It’s hard to care about anything when you feel exhausted, burned out, or ragged around the edges. Your once-fiery enthusiasm may seem more like charred rubble due to overwhelming family responsibilities, a job that drains you, or financial struggles. Or maybe an illness, the uncertainty and disruptions of the age we live in, or a combination of factors has left you feeling as if you have precious little to give.

“What you’re experiencing is burnout. It’s real and it can lead to depression, anxiety, relationship damage, and an inability to function at home or at work,” says Dr. Marni Chanoff, an integrative psychiatrist with Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital.

Take heart: With time and effort, you can refill your cup, slowly adding back a bit of the energy and joie de vivre you’ve been missing. Here are three ways to start.

1. Carve out time for yourself

Taking time for yourself isn’t a luxury; it’s essential to self-care. “You need to slow down and give yourself the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate,” Dr. Chanoff says, “Schedule it if you have to, starting with 10 or 15 minutes, a couple of times a day.”

How can you reclaim precious minutes in an overly full schedule? “Look at your day, week, or month, and be discerning about how many things you say ‘yes’ to in one period of time. Give yourself permission to say ‘no thank you’ to things that deplete you or don’t serve you,” Dr. Chanoff says.

Make small moments count: choose what makes you feel at peace. For example, have a cup of tea, or simply lay a blanket or mat on the floor at home or work and lie on your back. Don’t look at your phone or email. “You want to tell your body to take a break. It helps you reset and back away when stress draws you in,” Dr. Chanoff explains.

2. Commit to better health

A strong body helps balance the stressful situations that have caused your burnout. The basic recipe for good health includes:

  • Exercise. Moderate intensity exercise, the kind that works the heart and lungs, releases important chemicals that help regulate mood, sleep, and many body systems. Aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise per week, which amounts to about 22 minutes a day. Start with just a few minutes a day if it’s all you can do. It doesn’t have to be fancy. “It can be any movement that brings you joy, like dancing, yoga, or brisk walking,” Dr. Chanoff suggests.
  • A good diet. Eating lots of junk food (typically full of sugar, salt, and unhealthy saturated fat) fuels chronic stress, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Choose more unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, lean proteins (fish or poultry), and unsaturated fats (such as avocados or olive oil). If time is an issue, Chanoff suggests batch-cooking simple, healthy foods you can have several days of the week. (Lentil or bean soup is a good one-pot meal. Throw in as many vegetables as you can.)
  • Sleep. Insufficient sleep affects overall health, concentration, and mood. Try to sleep seven to nine hours per night. “It helps to wind down an hour or two before you fall asleep. And practice good sleep hygiene: turn off your phone, keep your room cool and dark, and go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day,” Dr. Chanoff advises.

3. Surround yourself with comfort

Hygge (pronounced HOO-ga) is the Danish concept of cozy comfort that brings happiness and contentment. Folks in Denmark know a thing or two about finding sunshine in cold dark months.

To practice hygge, surround yourself with people, activities, and things that make you feel cozy, loved, happy, or content. Go simple: spend time with your favorite people, add a small vase of flowers to your space, don fuzzy slippers once home, eat a treasured comfort food, or listen to a favorite song.

More ideas to try:

  • Light a candle.
  • Get under a heated blanket.
  • Frame a photo of a happy time.
  • Have breakfast in bed.
  • Use pretty table linens.
  • Indulge in art (check out various works at museums online).
  • Stand still outside to listen to the sounds of nature.
  • Curl up in a cozy chair.
  • Window-shop in your favorite store.
  • Wear a soft sweater that feels good on your skin.
  • Use a silk or satin pillowcase on your bed pillow.
  • Take a warm bath.
  • Get an oil diffuser with a scent that reminds you of a place you love, like the beach or a pine forest.

Turn up the effect by savoring cozy comfort. How does it feel, taste, smell, or sound? “Engaging the senses with soothing stimulation can be nourishing. It counteracts ongoing stress that the nervous system endures, and may help to elicit the relaxation response — the opposite of the fight or flight [stress] response,” Dr. Chanoff explains. Breathing deeply will help, too.

Eventually, these bits of hygge, health, and personal time will give you something you probably haven’t allowed yourself in a while, and that’s compassion. Be gentle with yourself. Pamper your soul and replenish your cup, so you can continue being there for the important people and tasks in your life.

About the Author

photo of Heidi Godman

Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter

Heidi Godman is the executive editor of the Harvard Health Letter. Before coming to the Health Letter, she was an award-winning television news anchor and medical reporter for 25 years. Heidi was named a journalism fellow … See Full Bio View all posts by Heidi Godman


How does waiting on prostate cancer treatment affect survival?

close-up photo of a vial of blood marked PSA test alongside a pen; both are resting on a document showing the PSA test results

Prostate cancer progresses slowly, but for how long is it possible to put off treatment? Most newly diagnosed men have low-risk or favorable types of intermediate-risk prostate cancer that doctors can watch and treat only if the disease is found to be at higher risk of progression. This approach, called active surveillance, allows men to delay — or in some cases, outlive — the need for aggressive treatment, which has challenging side effects.

In 1999, British researchers launched a clinical trial comparing outcomes among 1,643 men who were either treated immediately for their cancer or followed on active surveillance (then called active monitoring). The men’s average age at enrollment was 62, and they all had low- to intermediate risk tumors with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels ranging from 3.0 to 18.9 nanograms per milliliter.

Long-term results from the study, which were published in March, show that prostate cancer death rates were low regardless of the therapeutic strategy. “This hugely important study shows quite clearly that there is no urgency to treat men with low- and even favorable intermediate-risk prostate cancer,” says Dr. Anthony Zietman, the Jenot W. and William U. Shipley Professor of Radiation Oncology at Harvard Medical School, anda radiation oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital who was involved in the research and is a member of the Harvard Medical School Annual Report on Prostate Diseases editorial board. “They give up nothing in terms of 15-year survival.”

What the results showed

During the study, called the Prostate Testing for Cancer and Treatment (ProtecT) trial, researchers randomized 545 men to active monitoring, 533 men to surgical removal of the prostate, and 545 men to radiation.

After a median follow-up of 15 years, 356 men had died from any cause, including 45 men who died from prostate cancer specifically: 17 from the active monitoring group, 12 from the surgery group, and 16 from the radiation group. Men in the active surveillance group did have higher rates of cancer progression than the treated men did. More of them were eventually treated with drugs that suppress testosterone, a hormone that fuels prostate cancer growth.

In all, 51 men from the active surveillance group developed metastatic prostate cancer, which is roughly twice the number of those treated with surgery or radiation. But 133 men in the active surveillance group also avoided any treatment and were still alive when the follow-up concluded.

Experts weigh in

In a press release, the study’s lead author, Dr. Freddie Hamdy of the University of Oxford, claims that while cancer progression and the need for hormonal therapy were more limited in the treatment groups, “those reductions did not translate into differences in mortality.” The findings suggest that for some men, aggressive therapy “results in more harm than good,” Dr. Hamdy says.

Dr. Zietman agrees, adding that active surveillance protocols today are even safer than those used when ProtecT was initiated. Unlike in the past, for instance, active surveillance protocols now make more use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans that detect cancer progression in the prostate with high resolution.

Dr. Boris Gershman, a surgeon who specializes in urology at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and is also an Annual Report on Prostate Diseases editorial board member, cautions that the twofold higher risk of developing metastasis among men on active surveillance may eventually translate into a mortality difference at 20-plus years.

“It’s important to not extend the data beyond their meaning,” says Dr. Gershman, who was not involved in the study. “These results should not be used to infer that all prostate cancer should not be treated, or that there is no benefit to treatment for men with more aggressive disease.” Still, ProtecT is a landmark study in urology, Dr. Gershman says, that “serves to reinforce active surveillance as the preferred management strategy for men with low-risk prostate cancer and some men with intermediate-risk prostate cancer.”

Dr. Marc B. Garnick, the Gorman Brothers Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and editor in chief of the Annual Report, points out that nearly all the enrolled subjects provided follow-up data for the study’s duration, which is highly unusual for large clinical trials with long follow-up. The authors had initially predicted that patients from the active monitoring group who developed metastases at 10 years would have shortened survival at 15 years, “but this was not the case,” Dr. Garnick says. “As with many earlier PSA screening studies, the impact of local therapy on long-term survival for this class of prostate cancer — whether it be radiation or surgery — was again brought into question,” he says.

About the Author

photo of Charlie Schmidt

Charlie Schmidt, Editor, Harvard Medical School Annual Report on Prostate Diseases

Charlie Schmidt is an award-winning freelance science writer based in Portland, Maine. In addition to writing for Harvard Health Publishing, Charlie has written for Science magazine, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Environmental Health Perspectives, … See Full Bio View all posts by Charlie Schmidt

About the Reviewer

photo of Marc B. Garnick, MD

Marc B. Garnick, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Medical School Annual Report on Prostate Diseases; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Marc B. Garnick is an internationally renowned expert in medical oncology and urologic cancer. A clinical professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, he also maintains an active clinical practice at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical … See Full Bio View all posts by Marc B. Garnick, MD


Natural disasters strike everywhere: Ways to help protect your health

A powerful, destructive storm producing a tornado crosses through fields and roads, throwing debris up into the air as lightening forks down in the distance

Climate change is an escalating threat to the health of people everywhere. As emergency medicine physicians practicing in Australia and the United States, we — and our colleagues around the world — already see the impacts of climate change on those we treat.

Will we be seeing you one day soon? Hopefully not. Yet an ever-growing number of us will face climate-related emergencies, such as flooding, fires, and extreme weather. And all of us can actively prepare to protect health when the need arises. Here’s what to know and do.

How is climate change affecting health?

As the planet warms, people are seeking emergency medical care for a range of climate-related health problems, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, asthma due to air pollution, and infectious diseases related to flooding and shifting biomes that prompt ticks, mosquitoes, and other pests to relocate. News headlines frequently spotlight physical and emotional trauma stemming from hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, and floods.

We care for people displaced from their homes and their communities by extreme weather events. Many suddenly lack access to their usual medical team members and pharmacies, sometimes for significant periods of time. The toll of extreme weather often lands hardest on people who are homeless, those with complex medical conditions, children, the elderly, people with disabilities, minoritized groups, and those who live in poorer communities.

On a recent 110º Fahrenheit day, for example, a woman came to an emergency department in Adelaide, Australia complaining of a headache, fatigue, and nausea, all symptoms of heat exhaustion. She told medical staff that she had just walked for two hours in the sun to obtain groceries, as she had no car or access to public transportation. While health advisories in the media that day had advised her to stay inside in air conditioning, walking outside was only the only option she had to feed her family. For this woman and many others, well-intended public health warnings do little to reduce the risk of illness during extreme weather. Achieving safe, equitable health outcomes will require addressing access to shelter, access to transportation, and other societal factors that put people at risk of bad health outcomes.

Extreme weather contributes to large-scale health and safety issues

Increasingly, climate-related extreme weather is leading to interrupted access to medical care, contributing to later illness and death. Extreme weather can damage key infrastructure like the electrical grid, so that those relying on home medical equipment cannot use it. It may shut down health care facilities like a dialysis center or emergency room, or slow care in facilities that stay open.

People fleeing a fire or hurricane can be displaced into settings where they may have difficulty getting medical care or obtaining much-needed medicine, such as insulin, dialysis, high blood pressure treatments, and heart medicines. Such factors can worsen chronic conditions and may even cause death, particularly in people with existing medical conditions like heart failure, lung disease, and kidney disease.

How can you be ready to protect your health?

We all have a part to play in keeping ourselves and our communities well in the face of increasing dangers from climate change. Taking these steps will help.

If you or a loved one has health issues:

  • Keep a printed summary handy listing all medical conditions, medications and dosages, and phone numbers for your health providers.
  • If you have to leave your home, try to bring all medications with you — even bringing empty pill bottles will help a doctor trying to restart your medications.
  • Store medicines in a waterproof bag in a place where you can easily find them. This will help if you need to evacuate quickly.

Think about what to do if you need to leave home quickly. Now is the time to figure out your basic emergency plan:

  • Where will you go if you need to evacuate?
  • How will you get there?
  • How could you communicate with others if there is no electricity or phone service?
  • Do you have written contact info for a few family members and friends, in case you lose your phone or the battery dies?

Finally, we all need to look out for others in our community. Check in on elderly neighbors and those around you who may be socially disconnected, and make sure that they are safe where they live and are able to access the medical care they may need when the weather turns hot, cold, smoky, fiery, snowy, wet, or windy.

Climate change is here. It is already having tangible and significant impacts on our communities and the health of people around the world. Moreover, the increased risk of climate-related extreme weather is here to stay for the foreseeable future, and we must prepare for the threats it poses to our health, both now and in decades to come. We all have a part to play — health professionals, communities, and individuals — in keeping ourselves and each other healthy and safe.

About the Authors

photo of Kimberly Humphrey, MD, MPH

Kimberly Humphrey, MD, MPH, Contributor

Dr. Kimberly Humphrey is an emergency physician, a current Fellow in Climate Change and Human Health at Harvard C-CHANGE at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and a visiting scholar at the Harvard FXB Center. Her research focuses on the … See Full Bio View all posts by Kimberly Humphrey, MD, MPH photo of Caleb Dresser, MD, MPH

Caleb Dresser, MD, MPH, Contributor

Dr. Caleb Dresser is an emergency physician and assistant director of the Climate and Human Health Fellowship, cohosted by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, the Harvard FXB Center, and Harvard C-CHANGE. His research focuses on understanding the health implications of climate-related … See Full Bio View all posts by Caleb Dresser, MD, MPH